The program, led by Romana Gabrić, consisted of a mix of popular tunes and Christmas songs, and in the end the Strauss 'Radetzky march' was performed indispensably. Last night, our Music, under the direction of Damir Karacic, was enhanced by a number of experienced musicians from Trebizat and Mostar, which contributed to the overall sound atmosphere. Metković, - The cultural part of the December festivities mostly ends with the Christmas and New Year concert of Metkovic City Music, which fills the GKS theater hall with cheerful notes. The tradition continues - the Christmas and New Year concert of Metkovic City Music The tradition has also become that the Music invites guests to the concert, so last night several Christmas songs sang VIS 'Viatores' from the parish of St. In addition to music, they performed the evening on Roblek, which the elderly will remember as instrumentals on the side of the singles, which included the legendary smile of group 220 from 1967.

The programme, led by Romano Gabric, consisted of a set of popular melodies and Christmas songs, and finally the indispensable Strauss' Radetzky March was performed. Last night, our music, conducted by Damir Karacic, performed reinforced by several experienced musicians from Trebisat and Mostar, which contributed to the overall sound atmosphere. Metkovic, - the cultural part of the December festivities mainly ends with a Christmas-New year concert by Metkovic City Music, which fills the GKS theatre hall with joyful notes. The tradition continues – the Christmas-New year concert by Metkovic City Music Tradicija je postala i to da Glazba na koncert pozove goste pa je sinoć nekoliko božićnih pjesama otpjevao VIS 'Viatores' iz Župe sv. Kao dodatak glazbari su izveli 'Večer na Robleku', koje će se stariji sjećati kao instrumentala na A strani singlice na kojoj je bio i legendarni 'Osmijeh' Grupe 220 iz 1967.

Program, koji je vodila Romana Gabrić, sastojao se od spleta popularnih melodija i božićnih pjesama, a na kraju je izveden neizostavni Straussov 'Radetzky marš'. Sinoć je naša Glazba pod ravnanjem Damira Karačića nastupila pojačana nekolicinom iskusnih glazbara iz Trebižata i Mostara, što je pridonijelo ukupnom zvučnom ugođaju. Kulturni dio Prosinačkih svečanosti uglavnom završava Božićno-novogodišnjim koncertom Gradske glazbe Metković, koji kazališnu dvoranu GKS-a ispuni veselim notama. Tradicija se nastavlja – Božićno-novogodišnji koncert Gradske glazbe Metković Mi smo ga 'testirali' dijelom svoga teksta koji smo objavili na ovim stranicama i usporedili s Googleovim prevoditeljem.

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